






園長  松岡まりあ

A Letter from the Headmistress

Maria’s Babies Society was founded in 1985 in Minami-Azabu, Tokyo, in association with the Imperial Gift Foundation of Aiiku Society. The society’s mission was to provide early childhood education to Japanese mothers and their babies, teaching and supporting both mother and child as a pair in order to foster their bonding in a bilingual home environment. Drawing upon the tenets of Piaget, Steiner and Montessori in their studies in developmental psychology and pedagogy, our efforts have always been centered upon the child from 0-6 years of age. We adhere to the belief that the foundation for the child’s future educational and life success is established in this vital period of rapid growth and change. This crucial stage in a child’s development passes quickly, and the opportunities it presents for significant character formation cannot be reproduced at any later time.

While maintaining its focus on the primary importance of the mother-child bond, the present school has evolved from the realization that the young child also benefits greatly from peer group interaction. Accordingly, the school has been relocated to a larger yet still home-like setting, and the original programme has been restructured to integrate international pupils and parents. Presently, Maria’s Babies Society offers a variety of classes for children from ages 0-6, in a multicultural family environment where teachers, staff and pupils from a variety of backgrounds work, play and learn together.

All Maria’s Babies Society programmes, while incorporating a variety of teaching goals and methods, are unified by a common theme: our respect for the humanity of each individual. While beliefs may vary between cultures and generations, we feel that a concern for the value and dignity of all human beings is an unchanging element in any successful educational endeavour. Therefore, we attempt to incorporate all the components of a widely based curriculum into our larger aim: to equip our pupils to form loving and meaningful relationships with one another, their families and communities, and an increasingly impersonal world.

Accordingly, an essential element of all our programmes is the encouragement of healthy lifestyle choices, as well as considerate behaviour and speech, in all pupils. This is accomplished through an emphasis on a structured daily routine and good manners. It must be pointed out, however, that our true aim in doing this is to develop the inner caring, both for one’s self and others, that is later reflected in outward acts. This is not something that children can be drilled in; rather, we aim to provide them with positive examples on which to model their behaviour, as well as praise and reinforcement as they develop these sensibilities at their own pace.

Another defining characteristic of the Maria’s Babies Society programme is our reliance upon specialist subject teachers to enrich our general curriculum. In addition to providing practical stimulus to the young child’s senses and imagination through daily tasks and activities, we make use of individual professional competencies to encourage our pupils’ aesthetic development through art, music and rythmique classes. In this way, we are able to guarantee the highest level of quality in teaching, as well as greater attention to meeting our pupils’ educational needs in diverse areas.

Ultimately, our philosophy of education for the young child is based on simple, holistic principles. As every good gardener knows, a plant needs only a few things in order to grow: soil, water, sunlight and love. We feel that children need very similar things: a safe and caring environment, food for their bodies, hearts and minds, and, most importantly, love. Together with parents, we at Maria’s Babies Society are committed to providing our pupils with the raw materials they need to blossom into independence and self-reliance. The rest we will leave to time, with faith and hope for their futures as they graduate from our programme and continue on in life.

Maria Matsuoka